Allows users to tokenize texts using customized boundary rules. See the ICU website for how to define boundary rules.
Tools for custom word and sentence breakrules, to retrieve, set, or reset them to package defaults.
character vector for texts to tokenize
a list of rules for rule-based boundary detection
character; which set of rules to return, one of "word"
returns a list of characters containing tokens.
returns the existing break rules as a list.
returns nothing but reassigns the global
breakrules to x
returns nothing but reassigns the global
breakrules to the system defaults. These rules are defined in
The package contains internal sets of rules for word and sentence
breaks, which are lists
of rules for word and sentence boundary detection. base
is copied from
the ICU library. Other rules are created by the package maintainers in
This function allows modification of those rules, and applies them as a new tokenizer.
Custom word rules:
ICU's rules for detecting word/sentence boundaries
quanteda's rule for preserving hyphens
quanteda's rule for preserving URLs
quanteda's rule for preserving emails
quanteda's rule for preserving tags
quanteda's rule for splitting elisions
quanteda's rule for splitting tags
lis <- tokenize_custom("a well-known", rules = breakrules_get("word"))
tokens(lis, remove_separators = TRUE)
#> Tokens consisting of 1 document.
#> text1 :
#> [1] "a" "well-known" "http" ":" "/"
#> [6] "/" ""
#> $base
#> [1] "#\n# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.\n# License & terms of use:\n# Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines Corporation\n# and others. All Rights Reserved.\n#\n# file: word.txt\n#\n# ICU Word Break Rules\n# See Unicode Standard Annex #29.\n# These rules are based on UAX #29 Revision 34 for Unicode Version 12.0\n#\n# Note: Updates to word.txt will usually need to be merged into\n# word_POSIX.txt and word_fi_sv.txt also.\n\n##############################################################################\n#\n# Character class definitions from TR 29\n#\n##############################################################################\n\n!!chain;\n!!quoted_literals_only;\n\n\n#\n# Character Class Definitions.\n#\n\n$Han = [:Han:];\n\n$CR = [\\p{Word_Break = CR}];\n$LF = [\\p{Word_Break = LF}];\n$Newline = [\\p{Word_Break = Newline}];\n$Extend = [\\p{Word_Break = Extend}-$Han];\n$ZWJ = [\\p{Word_Break = ZWJ}];\n$Regional_Indicator = [\\p{Word_Break = Regional_Indicator}];\n$Format = [\\p{Word_Break = Format}];\n$Katakana = [\\p{Word_Break = Katakana}];\n$Hebrew_Letter = [\\p{Word_Break = Hebrew_Letter}];\n$ALetter = [\\p{Word_Break = ALetter} @];\n$Single_Quote = [\\p{Word_Break = Single_Quote}];\n$Double_Quote = [\\p{Word_Break = Double_Quote}];\n$MidNumLet = [\\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];\n$MidLetter = [\\p{Word_Break = MidLetter} - [\\: \\uFE55 \\uFF1A]];\n$MidNum = [\\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];\n$Numeric = [\\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];\n$ExtendNumLet = [\\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];\n$WSegSpace = [\\p{Word_Break = WSegSpace}];\n$Extended_Pict = [\\p{Extended_Pictographic}];\n\n$Hiragana = [:Hiragana:];\n$Ideographic = [\\p{Ideographic}];\n\n\n# Dictionary character set, for triggering language-based break engines. Currently\n# limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context. Note that this set only works in Unicode\n# 5.0 or later as the definition of Complex_Context was corrected to include all\n# characters requiring dictionary break.\n\n$Control = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];\n$HangulSyllable = [\\uac00-\\ud7a3];\n$ComplexContext = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];\n$KanaKanji = [$Han $Hiragana $Katakana];\n$dictionaryCJK = [$KanaKanji $HangulSyllable];\n$dictionary = [$ComplexContext $dictionaryCJK];\n\n# TODO: check if handling of katakana in dictionary makes rules incorrect/void\n\n# leave CJK scripts out of ALetterPlus\n$ALetterPlus = [$ALetter-$dictionaryCJK [$ComplexContext-$Extend-$Control]];\n\n\n## -------------------------------------------------\n\n# Rule 3 - CR x LF\n#\n$CR $LF;\n\n# Rule 3c Do not break within emoji zwj sequences.\n# ZWJ × \\p{Extended_Pictographic}. Precedes WB4, so no intervening Extend chars allowed.\n#\n$ZWJ $Extended_Pict;\n\n# Rule 3d - Keep horizontal whitespace together.\n#\n$WSegSpace $WSegSpace;\n\n# Rule 4 - ignore Format and Extend characters, except when they appear at the beginning\n# of a region of Text.\n\n$ExFm = [$Extend $Format $ZWJ];\n\n^$ExFm+; # This rule fires only when there are format or extend characters at the\n # start of text, or immediately following another boundary. It groups them, in\n # the event there are more than one.\n\n[^$CR $LF $Newline $ExFm] $ExFm*; # This rule rule attaches trailing format/extends to words,\n # with no special rule status value.\n\n$Numeric $ExFm* {100}; # This group of rules also attach trailing format/extends, but\n$ALetterPlus $ExFm* {200}; # with rule status set based on the word's final base character.\n$HangulSyllable {200};\n$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* {200};\n$Katakana $ExFm* {400}; # note: these status values override those from rule 5\n$Hiragana $ExFm* {400}; # by virtue of being numerically larger.\n$Ideographic $ExFm* {400}; #\n\n#\n# rule 5\n# Do not break between most letters.\n#\n($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);\n\n# rule 6 and 7\n($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) $ExFm* ($MidLetter | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) {200};\n\n# rule 7a\n$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Single_Quote {200};\n\n# rule 7b and 7c\n$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Double_Quote $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter;\n\n# rule 8\n\n$Numeric $ExFm* $Numeric;\n\n# rule 9\n\n($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) $ExFm* $Numeric;\n\n# rule 10\n\n$Numeric $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);\n\n# rule 11 and 12\n\n$Numeric $ExFm* ($MidNum | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* $Numeric;\n\n# rule 13\n# to be consistent with $KanaKanji $KanaKanhi, changed\n# from 300 to 400.\n# See also TestRuleStatus in intltest/rbbiapts.cpp\n$Katakana $ExFm* $Katakana {400};\n\n# rule 13a/b\n\n$ALetterPlus $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200}; # (13a)\n$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200}; # (13a)\n$Numeric $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {100}; # (13a)\n$Katakana $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {400}; # (13a)\n$ExtendNumLet $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200}; # (13a)\n\n$ExtendNumLet $ExFm* $ALetterPlus {200}; # (13b)\n$ExtendNumLet $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter {200}; # (13b)\n$ExtendNumLet $ExFm* $Numeric {100}; # (13b)\n$ExtendNumLet $ExFm* $Katakana {400}; # (13b)\n\n# rules 15 - 17\n# Pairs of Regional Indicators stay together.\n# With incoming rule chaining disabled by ^, this rule will match exactly two of them.\n# No other rule begins with a Regional_Indicator, so chaining cannot extend the match.\n#\n^$Regional_Indicator $ExFm* $Regional_Indicator;\n\n# special handling for CJK characters: chain for later dictionary segmentation\n$HangulSyllable $HangulSyllable {200};\n$KanaKanji $KanaKanji {400}; # different rule status if both kana and kanji found\n\n# Rule 999\n# Match a single code point if no other rule applies.\n.;"
#> $keep_hyphens
#> [1] "$Hyphen = [\\p{Pd}];\n($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter | $Numeric) $ExFm* $Hyphen $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter | $Numeric);\n"
#> $split_elisions
#> [1] "$Elision = ([lLmMtTnNsSjJdDcC]|([jJ]'us'|[qQ]'uoi'|[lL]'ors'|[pP]'uis'|[qQ]'uel')?[qQ]'u')[\\u0027\\u2019];\n^$Elision / $ALetterPlus;\n"
#> $split_tags
#> [1] "^[#] / [\\p{L}\\p{N}_]+ / [#]?; \n^[@] / [a-zA-Z0-9_]+;"
#> $base
#> [1] "# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.\n# License & terms of use:\n#\n# Copyright (C) 2002-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and others.\n# All Rights Reserved.\n#\n# file: sent.txt\n#\n# ICU Sentence Break Rules\n# See Unicode Standard Annex #29.\n# These rules are based on UAX #29 Revision 34 for Unicode Version 12.0\n#\n\n!!quoted_literals_only;\n\n#\n# Character categories as defined in TR 29\n#\n$CR = [\\p{Sentence_Break = CR}];\n$LF = [\\p{Sentence_Break = LF}];\n$Extend = [\\p{Sentence_Break = Extend}];\n$Sep = [\\p{Sentence_Break = Sep}];\n$Format = [\\p{Sentence_Break = Format}];\n$Sp = [\\p{Sentence_Break = Sp}];\n$Lower = [\\p{Sentence_Break = Lower}];\n$Upper = [\\p{Sentence_Break = Upper}];\n$OLetter = [\\p{Sentence_Break = OLetter}];\n$Numeric = [\\p{Sentence_Break = Numeric}];\n$ATerm = [\\p{Sentence_Break = ATerm}];\n$SContinue = [\\p{Sentence_Break = SContinue}];\n$STerm = [\\p{Sentence_Break = STerm}];\n$Close = [\\p{Sentence_Break = Close}];\n\n#\n# Define extended forms of the character classes,\n# incorporate trailing Extend or Format chars.\n# Rules 4 and 5.\n\n$SpEx = $Sp ($Extend | $Format)*;\n$LowerEx = $Lower ($Extend | $Format)*;\n$UpperEx = $Upper ($Extend | $Format)*;\n$OLetterEx = $OLetter ($Extend | $Format)*;\n$NumericEx = $Numeric ($Extend | $Format)*;\n$ATermEx = $ATerm ($Extend | $Format)*;\n$SContinueEx= $SContinue ($Extend | $Format)*;\n$STermEx = $STerm ($Extend | $Format)*;\n$CloseEx = $Close ($Extend | $Format)*;\n\n\n## -------------------------------------------------\n\n!!chain;\n\n# Rule 3 - break after separators. Keep CR/LF together.\n#\n$CR $LF;\n\n\n# Rule 4 - Break after $Sep.\n# Rule 5 - Ignore $Format and $Extend\n#\n[^$Sep $CR $LF]? ($Extend | $Format)*;\n\n\n# Rule 6\n$ATermEx $NumericEx;\n\n# Rule 7\n($UpperEx | $LowerEx) $ATermEx $UpperEx;\n\n#Rule 8\n$NotLettersEx = [^$OLetter $Upper $Lower $Sep $CR $LF $ATerm $STerm] ($Extend | $Format)*;\n$ATermEx $CloseEx* $SpEx* $NotLettersEx* $Lower;\n\n# Rule 8a\n($STermEx | $ATermEx) $CloseEx* $SpEx* ($SContinueEx | $STermEx | $ATermEx);\n\n#Rule 9, 10, 11\n($STermEx | $ATermEx) $CloseEx* $SpEx* ($Sep | $CR | $LF)?;\n\n#Rule 998\n[[^$STerm $ATerm $Close $Sp $Sep $LF $CR $Format $Extend]{bof}] ($Extend | $Format | $Close | $Sp)* .;\n[[^$STerm $ATerm $Close $Sp $Sep $LF $CR $Format $Extend]{bof}] ($Extend | $Format | $Close | $Sp)* ([$Sep $LF $CR {eof}] | $CR $LF){100};"
brw <- breakrules_get("word")
brw$keep_email <- "@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
breakrules_set(brw, what = "word")