Take a random sample of documents of the specified size from a corpus, with or without replacement, optionally by grouping variables or with probability weights.

  size = NULL,
  replace = FALSE,
  prob = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  env = NULL



a tokens object whose documents will be sampled


a positive number, the number of documents to select; when used with by, the number to select from each group or a vector equal in length to the number of groups defining the samples to be chosen in each category of by. By defining a size larger than the number of documents, it is possible to oversample when replace = TRUE.


if TRUE, sample with replacement


a vector of probability weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled. May not be applied when by is used.


optional grouping variable for sampling. This will be evaluated in the docvars data.frame, so that docvars may be referred to by name without quoting. This also changes previous behaviours for by. See news(Version >= "2.9", package = "quanteda") for details.


an environment or a list object in which x is searched. Passed to substitute for non-standard evaluation.


a tokens object (re)sampled on the documents, containing the document variables for the documents sampled.

See also


toks <- tokens(data_corpus_inaugural[1:6])
#> Tokens consisting of 6 documents and 4 docvars.
#> 1789-Washington :
#>  [1] "Fellow-Citizens" "of"              "the"             "Senate"         
#>  [5] "and"             "of"              "the"             "House"          
#>  [9] "of"              "Representatives" ":"               "Among"          
#> [ ... and 1,525 more ]
#> 1793-Washington :
#>  [1] "Fellow"   "citizens" ","        "I"        "am"       "again"   
#>  [7] "called"   "upon"     "by"       "the"      "voice"    "of"      
#> [ ... and 135 more ]
#> 1797-Adams :
#>  [1] "When"      "it"        "was"       "first"     "perceived" ","        
#>  [7] "in"        "early"     "times"     ","         "that"      "no"       
#> [ ... and 2,565 more ]
#> 1801-Jefferson :
#>  [1] "Friends"   "and"       "Fellow"    "Citizens"  ":"         "Called"   
#>  [7] "upon"      "to"        "undertake" "the"       "duties"    "of"       
#> [ ... and 1,911 more ]
#> 1805-Jefferson :
#>  [1] "Proceeding"    ","             "fellow"        "citizens"     
#>  [5] ","             "to"            "that"          "qualification"
#>  [9] "which"         "the"           "Constitution"  "requires"     
#> [ ... and 2,368 more ]
#> 1809-Madison :
#>  [1] "Unwilling" "to"        "depart"    "from"      "examples"  "of"       
#>  [7] "the"       "most"      "revered"   "authority" ","         "I"        
#> [ ... and 1,249 more ]
#> Tokens consisting of 6 documents and 4 docvars.
#> 1797-Adams :
#>  [1] "When"      "it"        "was"       "first"     "perceived" ","        
#>  [7] "in"        "early"     "times"     ","         "that"      "no"       
#> [ ... and 2,565 more ]
#> 1809-Madison :
#>  [1] "Unwilling" "to"        "depart"    "from"      "examples"  "of"       
#>  [7] "the"       "most"      "revered"   "authority" ","         "I"        
#> [ ... and 1,249 more ]
#> 1793-Washington :
#>  [1] "Fellow"   "citizens" ","        "I"        "am"       "again"   
#>  [7] "called"   "upon"     "by"       "the"      "voice"    "of"      
#> [ ... and 135 more ]
#> 1801-Jefferson :
#>  [1] "Friends"   "and"       "Fellow"    "Citizens"  ":"         "Called"   
#>  [7] "upon"      "to"        "undertake" "the"       "duties"    "of"       
#> [ ... and 1,911 more ]
#> 1805-Jefferson :
#>  [1] "Proceeding"    ","             "fellow"        "citizens"     
#>  [5] ","             "to"            "that"          "qualification"
#>  [9] "which"         "the"           "Constitution"  "requires"     
#> [ ... and 2,368 more ]
#> 1789-Washington :
#>  [1] "Fellow-Citizens" "of"              "the"             "Senate"         
#>  [5] "and"             "of"              "the"             "House"          
#>  [9] "of"              "Representatives" ":"               "Among"          
#> [ ... and 1,525 more ]
tokens_sample(toks, replace = TRUE) |> docnames()
#> [1] "1805-Jefferson.1"  "1801-Jefferson.1"  "1809-Madison.1"   
#> [4] "1809-Madison.2"    "1789-Washington.1" "1793-Washington.1"
tokens_sample(toks, size = 3, replace = TRUE) |> docnames()
#> [1] "1797-Adams.1"     "1805-Jefferson.1" "1797-Adams.2"    

# sampling using by
#>   Year  President FirstName                 Party
#> 1 1789 Washington    George                  none
#> 2 1793 Washington    George                  none
#> 3 1797      Adams      John            Federalist
#> 4 1801  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican
#> 5 1805  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican
#> 6 1809    Madison     James Democratic-Republican
tokens_sample(toks, size = 2, replace = TRUE, by = Party) |> docnames()
#> [1] "1809-Madison.1"    "1801-Jefferson.1"  "1797-Adams.1"     
#> [4] "1797-Adams.2"      "1789-Washington.1" "1789-Washington.2"