Overview and benchmarking approach

quanteda version 4.0 can process textual data significantly faster than its earlier versions thanks to the tokens_xptr object and a new glob pattern matching mechanism. More information on the features and advantages of the new xptr object are available in a separate vignette.

How we performed the comparison: We created the quanteda3 package from quanteda version 3.3 and compared it with version 4.0 on a Windows laptop with AMD Ryzen 7 PRO processor (8 cores). We used sentences from 10,000 English-language news articles in this benchmarking.

We repeated the same operation using different versions of the same functions to get the distribution of execution time. The result shows that the execution time of many v4.0 functions is about half of their version 3.3 counterparts.

# remotes::install_github("quanteda/quanteda3")

# create text corpus
corp <- corpus_reshape(data_corpus_guardian)

# tokenize corpus
toks <- tokens(corp, remove_punct = FALSE, remove_numbers = FALSE, 
               remove_symbols = FALSE)

# transform tokens object to tokens_xptr object
xtoks <- as.tokens_xptr(toks)

ndoc(toks) # the number of sentences
## [1] 200254
sum(ntoken(toks)) # the total number of tokens
## [1] 5322396

Tokenising a corpus

Although the v4 tokenizer is more flexible, its speed is roughly the same as v3 tokenizer. The shorter execution time of the version 4 is due to the faster removal of punctuation marks, numbers and symbols. We compare the performance by tokenizing the corpus with the tokens() function from quanteda version version 4.0 and 3.3 (“v4” and “v3” in the plots, respectively).

    v3 = quanteda3::tokens(corp, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, 
                           remove_symbols = TRUE),
    v4 = tokens(corp, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, 
                remove_symbols = TRUE),
    times = 10
) |> autoplot(log = FALSE)

Modifying tokens objects

as.tokens_xptr() is inserted before the v4 functions to keep the original tokens_xptr object intact.

# generate n-grams
    v3 = quanteda3::tokens_ngrams(toks),
    v4 = as.tokens_xptr(xtoks) |> 
    times = 10
) |> autoplot(log = FALSE)

# lookup dictionary keywords
    v3 = quanteda3::tokens_lookup(toks, dictionary =  data_dictionary_LSD2015),
    v4 = as.tokens_xptr(xtoks) |> 
        tokens_lookup(dictionary = data_dictionary_LSD2015),
    times = 10
) |> autoplot(log = FALSE)

# remove stop words
    v3 = quanteda3::tokens_remove(toks, pattern = stopwords("en"), padding = TRUE),
    v4 = as.tokens_xptr(xtoks) |> 
        tokens_remove(pattern = stopwords("en"), padding = TRUE),
    times = 10
) |> autoplot(log = FALSE)

# compound tokens
    v3 = quanteda3::tokens_compound(toks,  pattern = "&", window = 1),
    v4 = as.tokens_xptr(xtoks) |> 
        tokens_compound(pattern = "&", window = 1),
    times = 10
) |> autoplot(log = FALSE)

# group sentences to articles
    v3 = quanteda3::tokens_group(toks),
    v4 = tokens_group(xtoks),
    times = 10
) |> autoplot(log = FALSE)

Combining tokens objects

Combining tokens objects using c() is also substantially faster.

# get first 5000 documents
toks1 <- head(toks, 5000)

# get last 5000 documents
toks2 <- tail(toks, 5000)

# transform both objects to tokens_xptr objects
xtoks1 <- as.tokens_xptr(toks1)
xtoks2 <- as.tokens_xptr(toks2)

# combine tokens objects
    v3 = quanteda3:::c.tokens(toks1, toks2),
    v4 = quanteda:::c.tokens_xptr(xtoks1, xtoks2),
    times = 10
) |> autoplot(log = FALSE)

Constructing a document-feature matrix

We also compare the speed of constructing a document-feature matrix (DFM) using tokens objects.

    v3 = quanteda3::dfm(toks),
    v4 = dfm(xtoks),
    times = 10
) |> autoplot(log = FALSE)

Simple pipeline: tokenising a corpus and creating a document-feature matrix

    v3 = quanteda3::tokens(corp) |> 
        quanteda3::tokens_remove(stopwords("en"), padding = TRUE) |> 
        quanteda3::dfm(remove_padding = TRUE),
    v4 = tokens(corp, xptr = TRUE) |> 
        tokens_remove(stopwords("en"), padding = TRUE) |> 
        dfm(remove_padding = TRUE),
    times = 10
) |> autoplot(log = FALSE)